Monday, July 27, 2009

4 Month Check Up

We went to the doctor today. I weigh 14lbs 9 oz and I am 26 inches long. I did find out I have a heart murmur and have to have an echocardiogram to look at it but the doctor says I should be just fine. I didnt fuss much when I got my shots. I am so big. I have been fine all evening no fussing or crying. Oh, I also rolled over from my back to my belly today. I am on a roll...literally. I am all over the floor. Cant wait till I can sit up!!!

New Food

We went to Brown County this past weekend on July 25th. I got to eat green beans for the first time. My nana got to feed them to me. I liked them. I (think) am so big I get to eat with a spoon.

We got to see the lakes and the state park and got to go to the winery. We are going to have to do it again and have a picnic. Cant wait to visit my grandparents again. I go to the doctor today for my 4 month shots. We will see how that goes. Mom is going to give me some Tylenol before we go. I hope that helps.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

I love CEREAL!!!

I love to eat my cereal now. I open my mouth and it goes right in. I get mad now if you dont feed me fast enough. I am just like my dad , cranky when hungry. Maybe I need a bib that says that. I have my 3 month pictures back. They are on the facebook page. I got to the doctor monday for my next shots and check up. Not to excited about that. Here's my video!!! I can't wait to try some food next. I think I am trying squash first.

Monday, July 13, 2009

My 1st Cereal !!!

I tried cereal on July 11th for the first time. It was very interesting. I kept sticking my tongue out trying to figure out how to swallow this stuff. Next time maybe I will get to try food !!! yum