Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Im B-I-G

Went to the pediatrician's on the 14th. I am 16lbs 8 oz. and 26 and 1/4 inches long. Oh yeah I am growin. I also can sit up for a few seconds by myself and I can move , well roll to wherever I want. I can scoot to but not near as well or as fast as I can roll to where I want to go. Mom bought me a Colts hat and some new pj's. I am growing out of my clothes. I love to bounce these days and I am kinda getting into things. It is so fun. Mom always has an eye on me. I swear she has eyes in the back of her head. Dad on the other hand, I can get away with some stuff. Did I mention I am getting HAIR. Yes Hair. This stuff is crazy. I love to rub my head. I posted some new pics. I will have more soon. Welcome home Nana.

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