Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day and my bouncy thingy

Well I went to Nana and Papaw's this past weekend and boy was it sooo fun. I didnt get any sleep but I sure played hard. I have this new toy at their house. It wears my little legs out. Who needs the thigh master when you have what I have. I posted a video of me bouncin away. I thought I was going to jump to the rafters in the garage. I mean seriously this thing is like crack. I cant get enough of it. I also got to see all my family at my great grandma Pirtle's house. I was held by all and I dont think I was too fond of it. I did get to lay down and play with Kayla my bigger cousin. She is crazy. Walking and crawlin everywhere. What is she thinkin. Anyways I think I have tried all my fruits and veggies. I am on to meats and they dont look to appetizing. I get to try those this week. For some reason chicken in chicken broth doesnt sound very good. I will let you know. Enjoy my pics and videos!! Oh I also posted a pic of me and my new skids. They are a little big but I will grown into them. I already know how to untie them. Sweet.

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